Msimang’s resignation from ANC not surprising: Analyst


The resignation of Mavuso Msimang from the African National Congress (ANC) is not a surprise, according to Dr Ebrahim Harvey.

Dr Harvey, a political analyst and former ANC member, said that the resignation of Mr Msimang was “inevitable” given the current state of the ANC.

“It was only a matter of time before Mr Msimang decided to leave the ANC,” Dr Harvey said. “The ANC is in a state of disarray and Mr Msimang was one of the few remaining voices of reason within the party.”

Mr Msimang, who served as the ANC’s National Executive Committee (NEC) member for the past two decades, announced his resignation from the party on Wednesday.

In a statement, Mr Msimang said that he was “disillusioned” with the direction the ANC was taking and that he could no longer “in good conscience” remain a member of the party.

Dr Harvey said that Mr Msimang’s resignation was a “significant blow” to the ANC and that it was indicative of the “deep divisions” within the party.

“Mr Msimang was one of the few remaining voices of reason within the ANC and his departure is a sign of the party’s decline,” Dr Harvey said. “The ANC is in a state of disarray and it is clear that the party is no longer the force it once was.”

Dr Harvey said that Mr Msimang’s resignation was a “wake-up call” for the ANC and that the party needed to “re-evaluate” its direction.

“The ANC needs to take a long, hard look at itself and decide what kind of party it wants to be,” Dr Harvey said. “The party needs to decide if it wants to be a party of progress or a party of stagnation.”

Dr Harvey said that the ANC needed to “embrace change” and that it needed to “embrace the new generation of leaders” if it wanted to remain relevant.

“The ANC needs to embrace the new generation of leaders if it wants to remain relevant and competitive in the future,” Dr Harvey said. “The party needs to move away from the old guard and embrace the new generation of leaders who are more in tune with the needs of the people.”

Dr Harvey said that Mr Msimang’s resignation was a “sad day” for the ANC but that it was also an “opportunity” for the party to “re-evaluate” its direction.

“The ANC needs to take this opportunity to reflect on where it has gone wrong and to make the necessary changes to ensure that it remains relevant and competitive in the future,” Dr Harvey said. “The party needs to embrace change and embrace the new generation of leaders if it wants to remain relevant and competitive in the future.”

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