VIDEO: Media briefing on outcomes of Special Cabinet meeting

The Minister in the Presidency, Minister in the Presidency Ms Jackson, hosted a successful media briefing on Tuesday afternoon to announce the outcomes of the Special Cabinet Meeting.

The meeting which was held to discuss how to improve South Africa’s international trade relations was attended by Ministers from a variety of departments including Trade and Industry, International Relations and Co-operation, and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

The Minister in the Presidency was delighted to announce the outcome of the meeting: the government has committed to working with other African countries to establish a free trade zone in the Southern African region. This will enable the countries to benefit from the elimination of trade tariffs and other barriers that prevent intra-regional trade.

Ms Jackson also announced that the Cabinet had agreed to the establishment of an African diaspora investment fund that will enable Africans living abroad to invest in projects in their home countries. This fund will be established in collaboration with the African Development Bank and other international financial institutions.

The Minister said that the government was committed to working with other African countries to build a stronger continent. She said that the government was particularly keen to improve the lives of vulnerable people, and that the Special Cabinet Meeting had agreed to focus on sector specific skills development initiatives with this goal in mind.

Ms Jackson also announced that the Cabinet had agreed to explore new economic opportunities in the region such as increased investment in tourism and renewable energy sources. She said that these investments would enable African countries to benefit from growth and stimulate job creation.

The Minister said that the Cabinet was committed to achieving greater economic integration in the region and that the government would continue to work with partners in Africa to make this a reality.

Ms Jackson concluded the briefing by saying that she was confident that the outcomes of the Special Cabinet Meeting would lead to a stronger and more prosperous Africa. She said that by working together, African countries could build a continent that was a beacon of hope and opportunity.

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