LIVE: Khumbudzo Ntshavheni’s post Cabinet meeting briefing

Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, Briefs Media on Successful Outcomes

On Wednesday, Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, held a press briefing to update members of the media on the successful outcomes achieved by the government. The briefing, held at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, was an opportunity for the Minister to highlight the progress made in various sectors and outline plans for the future.

Minister Ntshavheni began by acknowledging the challenges faced by the country in the past, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, she stressed the resilience of South Africa and the government’s unwavering commitment to addressing these challenges and delivering positive outcomes for all citizens.

One of the key areas of focus during the briefing was the government’s efforts to stimulate economic growth and create job opportunities for South Africans. Minister Ntshavheni highlighted the success of the Presidential Employment Stimulus, which has created over 400,000 job opportunities since its launch last year. She also emphasized the importance of partnerships with the private sector in driving economic growth and job creation.

In terms of infrastructure development, Minister Ntshavheni highlighted the significant progress made in the construction of new schools, health facilities, and roads in various provinces. She also outlined plans for the expansion of broadband connectivity and the development of Special Economic Zones, which will create more opportunities for investment and job creation.

The Minister also provided an update on the government’s efforts to improve service delivery and address the needs of communities. She emphasized the importance of citizen participation in this process and encouraged South Africans to actively engage with their local governments to ensure their needs are heard and addressed.

On the international front, Minister Ntshavheni highlighted the successful negotiations with various countries to secure COVID-19 vaccines for South Africa. This has been a key priority for the government in ensuring the health and safety of all citizens. She also emphasized the country’s commitment to strengthening partnerships with other countries and organizations to tackle global challenges such as climate change and poverty.

In her closing remarks, Minister Ntshavheni reiterated the government’s commitment to continue working tirelessly to improve the lives of all South Africans. She encouraged citizens to remain positive and united, despite the challenges faced, and to continue playing an active role in building a better South Africa for all.

The briefing was met with positive reactions from the media and citizens alike, with many praising the government for its efforts and achievements thus far. Members of the media commended Minister Ntshavheni for her clear and informative presentation, which provided valuable insights into the progress made across various sectors.

In conclusion, the Minister in the Presidency’s press briefing was a clear indication of the government’s dedication to delivering positive outcomes for all South Africans. From economic growth and job creation to improving service delivery and securing COVID-19 vaccines, the government is making significant strides in addressing the challenges faced by the country. With continued collaboration and partnerships with all sectors of society, a brighter future for South Africa is within reach.

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