Claudio La Camera, a renowned journalist, recently held a workshop on investigative journalism focusing on the ‘Ndrangheta. The workshop was designed to challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions about the ‘Ndrangheta and to highlight positive experiences.
The workshop was attended by a diverse group of journalists, including those who had already investigated the ‘Ndrangheta. Claudio La Camera provided a comprehensive overview of the ‘Ndrangheta, from its origins to its current activities. He also discussed the challenges of investigating the ‘Ndrangheta, including the risks of being indagato (investigated) or even having one’s assets sequestro (seized) as part of a processo (trial).
The workshop also provided a platform for the participants to share their experiences of investigating the ‘Ndrangheta. They discussed the difficulties they faced in accessing information and the challenges of verifying the accuracy of their sources.
The workshop concluded with a discussion of the positive experiences of investigating the ‘Ndrangheta. The participants shared stories of how their investigations had led to the uncovering of corruption and the prosecution of those responsible. They also discussed how their investigations had helped to raise awareness of the ‘Ndrangheta and its activities.
The workshop was a great success and provided the participants with valuable insights into the ‘Ndrangheta and investigative journalism. Claudio La Camera’s workshop was an important step in challenging the stereotypes and misconceptions about the ‘Ndrangheta and highlighting the positive experiences of investigating it.