Netflix recently announced that the production for the K-Drama series, Aema, has already begun. The fiction-based dramedy centering the production of the film ‘Madam Aema’ which was previously a blockbuster in South Korea sometime in the early 1980s, is expected to hit soon, and here’s more on what we know!
What Do We Know About K-Drama?
Aema is an upcoming South Korean Netflix comedy-drama series written by Lee Hae Young – who also worked on other K-Dramas like Believer, Phantom, and ‘Like a Virgin.’
Production rights are given to the production studio The LAMP – which has notable works with other drams like Taxi Driver, Mal-Mo-E: The Secret Mission, etc.
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What Is the Plot of the Series?
In the 1980s, Jung Hee-Ran reigns as the top actress in Seoul but she has a fiery temper which turns although can become too much for others to handle, it doesn’t bother Hee-Ran as she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. As time passes, she lands the lead role in the movie Madame Aema’ made by Gu Joong-Ho’s production company.
Joong-Hu is the type of person who battles it out to survive in the film industry and soon enough he faces a situation where he is unable to control Hee-Ran thus kicking her out.
After finding out that a nightclub dancer is offered the role, Hee-Ran is super peeved and this leads to a turn of interesting events!
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Aema Release Dates:- The Official Words?
Unfortunately, we don’t have the official dates for Netflix’s dramedy release. However, filming is expected to end by March 2024 which means we might see it on Netflix sometime late 2024!
Tune in for drama, comedy, glam aesthetics, and cute Korean guys!
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